Sunday, February 8, 2009

causes of global warming

Hi.... this is first time I write something in the blog. but, for efss I try my best. I'm so weak in English and I think Mr.Zul also smile when he read what I wrote. K, let's we go to the causes of global warming

  • .The first causes of global warming is due to Greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere act like a miror and reflect back yo the Earth a part of the heat radiation, which would otherwise be lost to space. . The higher concentration of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide in atmosphere, the more heat energy is being reflected back to the Earth. The emission of carbon dioxide into the environment mainly from burning of fossil fuels (oil, gas, petrol, kerosene)
  • The second causes is due to by the Human Activities. Human activities increase can make greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide and other pollutions result from burning of coal to produce electricity. Electricity generated at power plants is carried by power lines to user.
  • Next, is due from the burning of gasoline by automobiles releases carbon dioxide and other type of air pollution such as open burning.that contribute to global climate change. pollution created by human activities is particularly evident around the world's largest cities such as Mexico, Beijing, London.
  • Nature causes, such as, wolcanoes and solarvariation .
  • El-N of the world.ino, a set of charges in the weather system near the coast of northern Peru and Ecuador that happens every few years, causing the surface of the pacific ocean there to become warmer and having severe effect on the weather in many part.
Ok.. that all for this time. I hope you all must got some information about causes of global warming. See you all next time... Bye..


Anonymous said...

Hi.... this is my first time writing something on this blog. I will try my best. I'm so weak in English and I think Mr.Zul also smile when he read what I written. OK, let's talk about the causes of global warming

* The first cause of global warming is due to Greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere act like a mirror and reflect back to Earth. Without the atmosphere, part of the heat radiation will be lost to space.

The higher the concentration of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide in atmosphere, the more heat energy is being reflected back to the Earth. The emission of carbon dioxide into the environment mainly from burning of fossil fuels (oil, gas, petrol, kerosene)will heat up earth.

* The second cause is due to by the human activities which will increase the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. One of the main example of human activities is the burning of coal to produce electricity. Electricity generated at power plants is carried by power lines to user. In the process, carbon dioxide and other pollutions is released to the surrounding.

* Next, is due from the burning of gasoline by automobiles. Carbon monoxide emitted pollutes the air and contribute to global climate change. Evidence of air pollution due to traffic emission of Carbon monoxide gas are Mexico City, Beijing and London.

* Nature such as, wolcanoes and solar variationis another cause of global warming.

* El-Nino and La Nina are examples of drastic climate change. Freak weather near the coast of northern Peru and Ecuador happens every few years. The surface of Pacific Ocean become warmer.

Reviewed and corrected by,
